Worried Sick
It is true that every generation of teenagers has its issues. For my generation the issues we mostly binge drinking, teenage pregnancy and drunk driving. Good to know that all of those things are now on the decline for teenagers. But for this generation, sadly, mental health is the one.
It’s alarming and true, that over the last decade suside attempts by teenagers have gone up over 40%. And over the last two years the pandemic has kept most teenagers in a position of isolation from their peers. We know isolation only exacerbates depression and anxiety. This problem is serious, so much so that the pediatric association has declared a national emergency.
There are no easy answers or quick fixes to this problem. But this video published in the New York Times does a good job framing the problem and offering up some personal interviews from teenagers that are living it. It beautifully delivers some insight and science about how the teenage brain develops and why they are so vulnerable during this time or their life.
Understanding is the first step in solving problems. We hope you will take 15 minutes to watch. We will go out on a limb and say that our future depends on us understanding, recognizing signs, and opening up discussions about mental health with our teenagers. Let’s shine some light on the subject.