Morning Rituals
Morning rituals are as important as breakfast. Rituals can provide structure and focuses thought for the day and breakfast provides the nutrients your body needs to get started right. So why not combine them?
The Huffington post, offers up some interesting morning rituals to try out. We love the idea of picking a wellness habit like eating healthy breakfast (try eating Moodify Oats) and adding it to a ritual you already have. The article suggests tacking it on to something you already do, you’re much more likely to actually stick with it. And consistency really is the key to boosting happiness over time.
We believe in small shifts/steps that can make a difference, Many studies have linked eating breakfast to good health, including better memory and concentration, lower levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol, and lower chances of getting diabetes, and heart disease. And oatmeal is full of healthy fiber keeps you feeling full. Did I mention that Moodify Oats are also full of ingredients like bananas, berries, cocoa, ginger, CBD and probiotics that boost your mood too?
These ingredients, all have benefits for your overall mental health and happiness and we firmly believe by focusing, if for only a few moments, each morning on good things can it change your outlook.