Can we talk?

The importance of destigmatizing Mental Health

At Moodify foods, we have a few values and goals that keep us going everyday.  Bringing good foods and good moods to our customers is one. If you have tried Moodify Instant Oatmeal, we hope you agree that we bring together great tasting ingredients that have the natural ability to enhance your mood and start the day right.  

We also work hard everyday to put positive thoughts and energy out in the world and give people tips and suggestions on how to flip the script to better mental health. Check out our Instagram feed @Moodifyfood

Another of the overall goals we strive for is destigmatizing mental health which is important because many people go years without being treated. We need to continue to talk about our mental health. It can be an uncomfortable topic but discussion and understanding will make it more comfortable so people can start to get the help they need. 

According to a recent report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicines (NAS), destigmatizing mental health and mental illness can only happen in our culture if we implement a serious national effort involving health agencies, the criminal justice system, employers, schools, and the media.

We are feeling optimistic on this as media coverage continues to address this important issue. 

And more recently, the topic of mental health has been amplified in the professional sports arena. Over the summer, mental health discussions made international news in professional tennis and gymnastics. And now, professional football players are pushing the NFL to embrace and support the mental health of its players. These are some of the strongest athletes in the world and guess what? They are asking for support too.

Let’s keep talking and sharing. It will make a difference. 

How You Can Help

Everyone can do their part in helping to destigmatize mental health. Here are some of the things you can do on a daily basis:

  • Educate yourself and others about symptoms of a variety of mental illnesses: The more we know about mental illness, the less scary it seems.

  • Encourage friends and family to seek treatment: No one should feel like they need to hide their mental illness or substance use issue from people. Seeking treatment is important for anyone struggling with a mental health issue because it will improve their chances of living happy, healthy lives.

  • Don’t shame those with mental health issues: Using words like “crazy”, “nuts”, and “freak” only further the stigma of mental health. Avoid using words that will make others feel less than and that encourage the negative feelings associated with mental illness.


Keeping It Real


Happy Holidays?