Channeling Kindness

It seems so simple, to be kind right?. But when you’re caught up in your own world, it is sometimes hard to remember that there are many benefits to being kind.  The benefits of kindness include but are not limited to:

  • Release of feel-good hormones

  • Eases anxiety

  • Kindness is good for your heart

  • It can help you live longer

  • Reduces stress

  • Kindness prevents illness

There are countless studies that have proven kindness can boost serotonin levels (the feel good hormone).  These studies also have shown that being kind releases oxytocin, known as a cardio positive hormone that protects the heart by lowering your blood pressure. Who knew? Kindness is a win-win for everyone involved. 

With that in mind, look for opportunities to help others. This could range from calling a friend just to check in or a simple smile to a stranger on the street.  Buy someone a coffee or some Moodify Oatmeal to warm their day. The list of small acts of kindness is endless. But even a small gesture can make a big difference to both you and the recipient.

At Moodify we are always looking for positive ideas that have impact and we recently came across the Born This Way Foundation and the Channel Kindness program, started by Lady Gaga and her mom Cynthia Germannotta. Wow! They are working hard to make a difference.

Born This Way Foundation community toward building a kinder, braver world.programs and initiatives aimed at demonstrating the power of kindness to impact well-being, validating the emotions of young people everywhere, and eliminating the stigma surrounding mental health.”

They also created  a project called Channel Kindness with inspiring stories of kindness and simple ideas about participating in acts of kindness in your community. Way to go Lady Gaga and Momma!  We need more inspiring groups like this.

We here at Moodify applaud their kindness. And remember you get what you give, so make it good!


Happy Holidays?


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